Friday, December 30, 2011

Our 2011 in review...

What a very blessed and fun filled year we have had! In all honesty though, it went by way too fast! I really loved seeing Mac go from being a toddler to a kid and seeing Oak have so many firsts. I really love my life and where it is right now. I love the good, great, bad and hard. I am so blessed!

I hope you enjoy the look back at our year.

I tried to link back to as much as I could. I wish I had documented our life a bit better. That is my hope for 2012.

(My sister, Dana and niece, Paige came and also our best friends Amy and John, and my cousin Erin)
*We blessed Oak on Hubs's birthday the very next day.

*It snowed and we had alot of fun playing in it with the neighbor kids.

*Hubs changed the way he was eating to lose weight and lower his cholesterol.


*Finally got legit 72 hr kits put together for our family.
*I challenged myself to make my bed every day for the whole month. I think I only missed one or tow days.

*I turned 32 also, but we didn't document that.



*We "celebrated" our ten year wedding anniversary

*Another busy season ended, yahoo!! And we celebrated with a day at the coast and aquarium.

*Mac started TOT soccer.

*Mac's Birth Mother came to visit!!

*Easter was lots of fun.



*Celebrated Mother's Day with my Mom.

*Mac and Daddy went to their first Father and Sons Camp out.

*I conquered Spencer's Butte with my two kids.

*TOT soccer ended.



*Hubs lost 40 lbs

*We celebrated Mac's adoption day by going on a Thomas train ride.

*Hubs worked hard on our backyard and built a deck.

*Mac gave his first talk in Primary.

*We went on a fun hike.

*We bought a new queen size bed after sleeping in a full size for 10 years.

*Mac also got a real bed instead of a toddler bed.



*We celebrated both of our children's "chosen" days.

*We had an awesome time at the lake house for the 4th of July.

*Oak started walking at 11 months.



*We got to got to Touch A Truck for the first time.

*Hubs's little sister got married

*We had Oak's first birthday party in our finally finished backyard.

*Oak turned ONE

*We visited Hubs's grandpa and he got to meet Oak for the first time.

*We visited the coast again.

*We had our family photos taken by my talented friend.

*We went to the County Fair



*Mac started Preschool.

*Went on a beautiful hike for Labor Day.



*We decided to start adoption paperwork for baby #3

*We went to the pumpkin patch

*Mac got croup for the first time

*We had some Halloween fun!

*I gave a talk about our adoption experience in our Ward.



*We were able to attend some adoption education classes and an FSA Conference.
*Gave my first presentation as our Stake Rep for LDSFS.

*We drove to Utah with my parents, visited friends, and spent Thanksgiving with some of my family.



*Mac went to the Dentist for his third cleaning and did great!

*Mac turned FOUR and we had a really fun day.

*We cut down our Christmas tree

*Had alot of fun for our own little Christmas, the W family Christmas and Christmas with my parents.

*Got four generation pictures with Oak on both side of Hubs's family.

*Hubs lost more than 50 pounds all together.

*Our niece M was baptised.


Emily said...

What a fun and busy year! So much has happened for you guys and I'm glad you're doing so well. i hope 2012 is great and produces baby number 3!!!

Love you!

Kristen Moss said...

I love the way you did this. It is fun to see a years accomplishments in one roll....

I may copy you. ;)

Carrie said...

Sounds like an amazing year! Yay for eternal families, adoption, milestones and accomplishments. May your 2012 be blessed!