Wednesday, December 28, 2011

OUR little Christmas...{Christmas Part 1}

We like to have our own little Christmas since the rest of Christmas festivities is spent with our families. So Christmas Eve Eve is really our Christmas Eve. We get Mac all excited about there being presents under the tree when he wakes up and stocking filled with goodies. Santa doesn't come then, because Mommy makes sure Santa knows that we want him to come to Grandma Cammy's house Christmas Eve night.
(We actually didn't really talk all that much to Mac about Santa this year. We left it to when he would ask about him. Also Mac didn't really have anything he REALLY wanted like in previous years, so we didn't really push it. Hubs doesn't like the thought of lying to Mac about Santa, but I am trying to keep him alive as long as possible without lying to him.)

Anyway, our night started out with carolers from the local high school basketball team. Oak loved it while Mac hid.

Then Hubs and Mac decorated the ginger bread house that we have had sitting there for awhile. Mac had been begging to do one since he had seen one at Preschool. We bought a kit and when we opened it up it was broken, so Hubs fixed it and then we just had to find the time.

Love how Oak is sneaking candy!

Eating frosting, yum!
The finished product.

Ah! I can't believe how big he looks in this picture!! I am still in shock that he is four years old already!

We layed out the wrapped presents and stuffed the stocking the night before. I got up early and turned the Christmas tree lights on and Mac woke up not long after that. He came running into our room and was so excited and kept telling us that there were presents under the tree and we had to go look. It was so adorable!!

LOVE this pic of my two happy kids in front of the tree.

Angry Birds puzzle!

Teaching sister how to unwrap presents.

Now she is getting the hang of it.

Ta-Da! Oak's gift to Mac.

Mac picked this gift out for Oak with a little help from daddy.

Hubs insisted we get Mac some Moon Sand which turns out is much messier than play do, oy!!

Reading books from Great Grandma Gerry.

I almost forgot to talk about the gift that Hubs gave me! We decided that this year we wouldn't spend any money on each other and make something that was thoughtful. Daddy and the kids did end up getting me a laser level but Hubs made me the sweetest little coupon book for some pretty awesome things like him cleaning the house, date night, a night to myself, a foot or back rub, getting me a treat, making dinner. I really loved the thought and effort he put into it. I actually spent a little money on his to buy a frame, but his gift was a framed picture of him on his dad's shoulders (which is awesome) when he was a toddler and I will add to the frame a picture of Mac on his shoulders when I get a good one. Mac's favorite thing to do his be on his Daddy's shoulders when we go somewhere.
We got Oak a little diaper bag and Mac a sleeping bag. They both love them.

It was a very fun morning and I really love doing our own little Christmas before all the craziness.

1 comment:

Tia Hopper said...

I love that you do this. I love spending Christmas with all of our family we have but we are very adament (sp?) that we have our own Christmas morning in our house. It's special and that's where the memories and traditions are for us! Plus it's less crazy!