Monday, December 5, 2011

Utah Trip Part 2

Thanksgiving day we went to my brother Rick's house for dinner. As you can tell there were alot of people. These are all of my sister-in-law's family. My brother built on this great room to his house a couple of years ago for this very reason. They love to host parties!

My brother's family sure knows how to party! They never have a party without a pinata! Mac and my beautiful niece getting ready to hit the pinata.

This was one tough pinata. I swear it was made of stone, it would not break!

The next morning, my nieces watched all the little ones while we went as a family to the Temple for my nephew to receive is endowments. It was amazing to be there with most of my family.

My brother Ryan (the one we stayed with) has a walk-in rain fall shower downstairs. Mac hates showers but we talked him into getting in. Him and Oak LOVED playing in it. Mac even would put his head in the shower a few times. I couldn't get either of them out because they loved it so much!

Later Friday night, Mac was sitting on our bed and said his tummy hurt. Hubs asked him if he needed to go potty (which is usually the case). Then all of a sudden a puked all over the bed. We took him out of the room to get him cleaned up and then he puked all over the hallway (thankfully wood floors). Hubs cleaned up the floor and I spent most of the evening and the next day washing all the bedding. On top of that I was not feeling very good and Oak's cold (snotty nose and cough that she came to Utah with) was getting worse because of the dry air. I was really hoping we would all be better before we headed home. And unfortunately it made it so we couldn't see one of our good friends that we haven't seen since we lived in Montana. I was pretty bummed.

One of the things I really wanted to do while we were in Utah was go see the lights at Temple square. Even though we were kindof sick, we braved it Saturday night, since it was the only time we could go. I was able to get my mom and my nieces and nephew to go with us and we took the TRAX. I am at this point not totally sure it was worth it. My kids were grumpy and cold, there were literally a million people there so it was hard to really enjoy, and it was really really cold. The kids did ok while being there but on the way home they were done with the whole adventure. But now I can say that I have been.

My nieces and nephew.

Trying to get warmed up in the visitor center.

I didn't realize that the circles on the doors could be lit from the inside. Cool!

Riding back home on the TRAX.

Love Mac's face in this.

And just some random pics from the trip.

All the kids and dogs were infringing on my brother's space. It was so funny!

Playing video games with cousins.

Hubs and I went to the store and my sister-in-law texted me this picture of my brother playing video games with Mac.

This was a daily occurrence when Mac  would try to eat his breakfast. Babies and dogs waiting for table scraps!

My brother would make "green" smoothies almost every morning. Mac loves them and had a mustache and uni brow going after drinking

We planned on leaving Sunday, but my brother Rick and his whole family were speaking in their Ward, so we stayed long enough to go to that and left right after Sacrament meeting. They did an awesome job (well what I could hear while taking care of my noisey kids.)
I had to get a pic of Oak with my nephew before he leaves on his mission.

Oak and my adorable niece!

Our trip home was another long one and thankfully uneventful. Once again it was our plan to just drive through the night. But Mac does not do well sleeping at night in a car seat and he was having a hard time. At midnight we hit Pendleton and I begged my hubby and dad to stop and let us get a hotel. We got up early the next morning and were to my parents house my noon.
We were so glad to be almost home. We then had to return the rental van, repack all of our stuff into our car and then drive the hour and fifteen minutes to our house. And literally when we got home, both of our kids had had it, they were done! And so was I!

1 comment:

Heather said...

So glad you guys got home ok & didn't have bad roads on the way back. I would love to come out & visit you guys but i'll have to wait & see. We are in the process of buying a house right now. I'll keep you posted.