Friday, December 2, 2011

Oak at 15 months (really almost 16 months)

Words she can say (not pronounced perfectly):
(Her vocabulary has just taken off this last week or two. I swear she started saying at least 10 new words while we were in Utah).

uh-oh, eye, Jesus ("sheshus"), cracker ("cacker"), mommy, daddy, grandma, grandpa, baby, blankie ("banky"), fishy, birdie, grapes ("gapeTH" she makes a little raspberry sound at the end of grapes and it makes me laugh every time), bottle ("bo" for her water bottle), cheese, truck ("kuck" and she likes to yell it out when she sees one, makes me laugh), elmo ("memo"), phone ("fo"), cookie, ball, hat, up, book ("bookie"), hi, bye, car, stinky, sit, bear ("baa"), owie, dog ("bobo" she calls all dogs bobo since our neighbors dog is named bobo, haha), clock ("cock"), hello ("hewow"), bonk ("bon" when she bonks her head), keys, please, sock, shoe, thank you ("ga-goo-mama"), stuck, elbow, wow.

About her:
can climb on and off the couch (but doesn't know how to fall off yet).
 can climb up stairs but now down (we aren't around any enough for her to practice).
 like to try to jump.
says "cheese" for the camera.
can point to eyes, nose, ears, mouth, teeth, neck, elbow, toes, tummy, belly button, head.
 she recognizes Jesus in any picture (even the pictures she has never seen before).
 will grab my hand to hold and drag me all over the house.
 will sit and read books all by herself, she likes to chew on books too (gah!).
has 12 teeth, 6 of those she got in one month and 4 of those were molars.
she will now sit to get her hair put in piggies without needing something to distract her.
she follows directions really well.
she can be very mean and naughty and she thinks it is funny.
she likes to head-but and it hurts.
she "a" before almost every word she says.
she sucks her thumb alot and it is all cracked and sore.
her favorite foods are bananas and grapes.
she was down to one nap but since we went to Utah is back to two naps.
she doesn't fall asleep in the car very easily, she has to be exhausted.
she is a good eater and is eating alot more variety of foods now that she has some molars to chew better.
she just drinks milk in the morning and loves to drink water just like her brother and mommy.
she has had diarrhea for about two months straight (I might try to take her off of milk and see if that is the problem).
besides her bear, she has become attached to a blankie now.
she is more than ready for bed at 8 every night, but is still a really good girl if we are gone and can't get her to bed at that time.
she folds her arms and bows her head for prayer.
she gets into everything and keeps me way busier than her brother did at this age.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Mmmm, she is so cute. I love that age SO MUCH!!