Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Eve {Christmas Part 2}

We always spend Christmas Eve with Hubs's family. Bowling is our first tradition! We look forward to it every year. Mac loved bowling at the beginning and would dance after he would throw the ball, but after two turns all he wanted to do was play the video games and we wouldn't let him until he was done with his game. He pretty much had a bad attitude most of the day, silly kid.

Oak and Uncle L

Cousin A and Oak.

This picture makes me laugh out loud every time I look at it!! This picture pretty much sums up Mac's attitude lately, hahaha!

There is just something that makes me smile when I look at a pile of shoes this big. I love getting together with family!!

There are I think 22 of us who try to fit in this room with presents for at least 22 people. It is crazy madness and it is awesome!

The newlyweds played Mary and Joseph.

Pay really close attention to Mac in the rest of these pics. Oh my! He was having a rough night!

Mac was doing this while everyone else was getting ready to do the Nativity.

My niece Mak and SIL J.

My super adorable nephews.

Mac just needing a little love.

The angels.

Observing the Nativity

They aren't yawning, they are singing.

We had just gotten done singing a song and I think Oak thought it was time for prayer.

Mac doing his own thing.

Daddy trying to dress Oak up.

Still needing some love.

Finally Mac was being a little less grumpy.

Well almost, haha! Traditional family pic with a very cute pouty Mac.

Watching for Santa.

Watching for  Santa some more.

A little concert.

Me and my cute man.

FINALLY Santa came!!

Mac wasn't really sure what he wanted this year. But Santa had a hunch that Mac would like a marble track.

Oak got a baby stroller from Santa. She LOVES it!

Mac did have alot of fun helping hand out presents. It was really cute. And I spent most of the time freaking out because Oak wanted to be down in all the chaos and I was terrified that she was going to get trampled or knocked over and crack her head open.

When we finally went home late, Mac wanted to sleep in his new sleeping bag in his bed. Isn't it cute??! I have been wanting to get him one and didn't want a "character" one and finally found this. He really loves it!


Tia Hopper said...

I am so jealous of this!! I wish my stupid brothers had had kids so this could happen. I remember Brooke telling me about this tradition long ago and I was so envious, still am! :) So cute! How does the "santa" work? Do you bring the presents or does Cammie buy them? Which door do they come to? Who puts them there? I can't remember the details as it was years and years ago that she originally told me.

Anonymous said...

I love the picture of Mac and his cousins at the bowling alley. Kids are so funny. You guys have such fun traditions. Jess and her hubby are so cute together.