Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas Day and more! {Christmas part 3}

Christmas morning we always head to my parents house. This year because it was on a Sunday, we got dressed for church and headed to their Ward before going to their house. Mac was already in a mood and really hates church so I wasn't really looking forward to taking my kids to church on Christmas day like everyone else was. But we got through it, just barely! haha!
After church we headed to spend a couple of days at my parents house.
Oak looking at her cool new doll house. (Mac actually loves it more than her, funny kid!)

Mac opening up his stocking from Gma and Gpa.

My cute parents. I took like 6 pictures and at least one person wasn't looking in each picture. haha!

Best we could do! But I love it!

We had a yummy turkey dinner and had to save our traditional Christmas morning omelette's for the next morning.

Oak really loves to rough house. And she thinks if anyone is laying down it means that she can climb all over them. Lately she will get on Mac's back and say "Gee!" (Giddyup). This time she decided to explore instead. You can kindof see Mac's birth mark on his bum.

"Gee!!" Don't worry Mac loves it!

She escaped when I was trying to get her jammies on and this is where I found her. She was saved by a handsome prince.

We decided to go bowling again. There isn't much to do where my parents live and we wanted to do something without going very far. So bowling it was!

My parents haven't been bowling in years and they loved it!!

My mom was telling me about when she was younger and she went on a date and on her turn she accidentally let go of the ball when she was swinging her arm back and the ball flew and broke her dates ankle. Or something like that! So funny!


Jill said...

I love hearing about your fun family traditions for the holiday's. Sounds like you guys had a great weekend, even if Mac was in a mood, he is so funny. Keep taking those great pictures so he can look back & laugh with his kids in the future.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you guys had a fabulous Christmas!