Sunday, December 11, 2011

Sunday Gratitude...

I am grateful...

01.   for the miracle of adoption in my life.
02.  how adoption touches so many.
03.   for the beautiful young lady who changed our lives forever 4 years ago.
04.  for the funny, adorable, spunky, full of energy, red headed boy that was placed in my arms almost 4 years ago.
05.  for a warm, cozy home.
06.   that my iTouch is now working after I dropped in a cup of water this week.
07.   for my testimony of paying tithing and for the opportunity we have to teach our children the importance of it.
08.  for forts and movies on the iPad on a sick day and when the power goes out.
09.  for the Christmas cards we get in the mail. I LOVE Christmas cards.
10.  That Mac is on the mend after having croup again.

1 comment:

Desiree said...

I was thinking today about you and adoption (don't know why, just popped into my head). You really have touched a lot of lives with your love for adoption, and I think of adoption so differently now than I used to. Not that I ever thought it was a bad thing or anything, but I can see how beautiful it can be just from your stories, thanks.

I love Christmas cards, too bad we get less and less every year. Either people don't like us anymore or they just aren't doing them :-)