Thursday, December 8, 2011

Beef Stroganoff Recipe

I don't have a picture, sorry. But I did want to share this recipe with you because it is easy, and I almost ALWAYS have the ingredients on hand and can make it in a pinch. It takes, start to finish, 30 minutes tops. I got it from my friend, but have made one tiny adjustment to the recipe since then. I think that this recipe is so good that I literally have to make myself stop eating it when I get full. It is really good for left overs too. And both my kids will eat it, which is always a plus.

Beef Stroganoff

1 pound of browned beef
2 cans of cream of chicken soup
3/4 of a can of water
1/4 cup of butter (half stick)
lots of onion powder (to taste)
1 cup of sour cream
rice or pasta (we like it with rice)

Brown your beef, drain and add back to large pan. (While I am browning beef I will get the rice started in the rice cooker).  Add the soup, water, butter and onion powder. Bring to a simmer and let simmer (stir occasionally) for about 10 to 15 minutes. Put on low and add sour cream. Mix well and keep on low. DO NOT BRING TO BOIL! The sour cream will curdle. When ready to eat put it on top of rice or pasta.


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