Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Prep...

December seriously went by in a flash. I swear it was just Thanksgiving and now it is just about New Years. YIKES! And even though I am way behind on this I wanted to document it anyway.

The first Saturday in December we went and bought lights for our house and put them up for the first time. We don't have a ladder so Hubs "MacGivered" himself onto the roof of our house to get them up. Unfortunately we were short a strand and it took me a week to get another box then it took awhile for Hubs to find a few minutes in daylight to get the last strand up so most of December they were never turned on. A few days  before Christmas Hubs finally found the time and we were able to have them on for a few days at least.

Later that day we went to the tree farm to find our Christmas tree.

I am not a fan at how manicured and full Noble Firs are now a days. I prefer my tree to look a little "Charley Brown-ish". But oh well!! We did find one we liked. And thankfully it wasn't pouring down rain like it was last year. It was cold but so sunny and beautiful!


Mac supervising.
Instead of waiting for the gator to come and help us haul our tree back, Hubs and another guy who didn't want to wait, hauled our trees together with each holding a tip and base of each tree. It worked nicely and we got back to the shed pretty quickly.

We got it home and in the house and the kids LOVED decorating it.

We ended up putting our Super Yard around it for the rest of the month and she would play with what she could reach, so we were still putting ornaments at the top of the tree. It ended up being heavily decorated on top and very little on the bottom. Good thing there is pretty much only one year in each kids life that you have to worry about them playing with the tree too much. And now we are past that year, yahoo!!

Mac was obsessed with Christmas trees having stars on the top. And he would get pretty worried if we saw one somewhere and it didn't have one.

(Funny thing about me posting this today is that I took our tree down today and threw it on the back deck. As much as I love to decorate for Christmas it is just as nice to get it all down and have the house nice and uncluttered.)

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