Saturday, August 13, 2011


The birthday girl in her party dress.

Since Oak shared her actual birthday with her Aunt's wedding reception, we did her birthday party a week early.

I have had visions of what I have wanted for my children's first birthdays for years before we had kids. With Mac it ended up being a total flop. I won't go into it but I was very disappointed with the outcome.

 So I was going to make sure that I made it happen this time. I wanted her theme to be "Polka Dots!" Thanks to Pinterest and the blogging world I got some great ideas and for decorations and how I wanted her birthday cake. And we also had a crowd of at least 25 family and friends. It was perfect and so much fun!

And I was smart and asked someone else to take the pictures. SO glad I did, because they turned out awesome and I didn't have to worry about getting the perfect shot and just enjoy!

I couldn't believe that I was able to actually make her cake look better than I had envisioned it. I really loved how it turned out.

I really wanted to make her a party hat. And it also turned out better than I had envisioned it. And she kept it on!!

I put up my favorite picture that I took of her for each month.

Getting the party started!

Oak's friends:

Miss J

Miss S

My Aunt with one of my cousins sons.

Aunt L

My cousins little boys who turned one recently too.

My cousin P

Aunt J (who is now a married woman!)

All the fun!

We put the pool up and the kids had a ball. They also loved playing in the sand box.

Mac getting tickled

Don't you just love his farmers tan?

Mac diving!

Neighbor friend A

Oak LOVES to wear sunglasses. It is so cute!

Waiting patiently for me to feed her, when I kept getting distracted with hosting the party.

Finally some food in her belly, yummy watermelon!

This is our nieghbor and Miss J's (pictured a few pictures up) daddy.

Have I mentioned on here that Oak is a walker. She walks everywhere now. And on this day she started standing her self in the middle of the room.

Excited to party!

I want to frame this one of my babies and put it up on my wall.

Then on to presents! She was so spoiled...

And even though I look terrible, I am glad I remembered to get a family pic!


Christal said...

what a fun party you are so creative! and She is getting to big why do they have to grow up so fast!! Beautiful family!!

Emily said...

You don't look terrible, are you crazy?! You look great and that looks like the party of the century! She's so cute! My Carly girl has that same dress.

I can't believe she is ONE!!! Love you guys!