Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sunday Gratitude...

photo by my neighbor G

I am grateful...

01. for a loving helpful husband!
02. that we were able to celebrate Oak's birthday with so many family, friends and neighbors.
03. that Hubs's sister will be married and sealed in the Temple this week.
04. to have had a better week this last week than the terrible one I had the week before.
05. that Mac will get to go to preschool at our neighbors house this year.
06. that all the work that Hubs has put into our backyard paid off and he was able to finish it (mostly, aren't they always a work in progress forever?!) in time for Oak's birthday party.
07. that the weather has been perfect this last week, not too hot.
08. that we are all healthy and happy!
09. that I have been in the cleaning/getting rid of mood lately. Feels SO good!
10. for my two babies! As I was getting us all ready for church this morning I was so overwhelmed with gratitude and love for them.

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