Friday, August 26, 2011


So next Thursday Mac will start his first year of Preschool.
He will be going to our neighbors house across the street for Preschool twice a week for 2.5 hours.
I am actually excited about something new for him, and I am a bit anxious about how well he will do in a structured learning environment.
He does not do well with me trying this at home. But I haven't worried about that a ton because he is a quick learner and seems to do just fine as long as I am introducing the ideas to him. But actually trying to teach him something straight out has been a struggle.
I have also been trying to be better at preparing him for things to come. He usually drives me up the wall with excitement and impatience of what ever we may be doing that I tend to avoid telling him things until it is actually happening. But I have realized that I am not teaching him patience if I do that.
We have this chalk board that my parents made awhile back. I usually write what ever exciting thing may be happening that day like birthdays or when some one comes to visit. But I had this ingenious idea of putting a count down for Mac on it and thanks to Pinterest (let me know if you want an invite) that always keeps my creative juice flowing I came up with attaching the clothes pins to take off for everyday.
And the number looks wonky because I wrote dots and had Mac trace it himself. We have been working on number recognition as of late and this has helped.
Anyway, I was really excited about doing this with Mac. And to help him get excited for Preschool next week.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

This. Is. BRILLIANT!!! Stealing it!!