Saturday, August 20, 2011

Oak at ONE!

I have yet to take her one year photos. Hopefully I can work on that this next week. But I do want to make sure I get down what she is like at one. We go for her one year check up this week so I don't have her stats yet either.

One of my favorite things she is doing right now is her wanting to sit on our lap to read a book. The book is usually "Good Night Moon" if it is in sight. Otherwise she doesn't mind what book.

Also she just wants to sit in our lap. If she realized we are sitting NEXT to her playing she will stop what she's doing and come in sit. It is so stinkin cute!

She is an official walker. I haven't seen her crawl in about a week. She stands herself up in the middle of the room and she officially does not want to be held because she wants to roam herself.

She is the cutest little dancer, and it cracks me up every time I catch her doing it. She kind of stomps her feet and then she will sometimes stick her arms up in the air too. Oh my goodness so cute. I really hope I can get a video of it soon.

Signing: for awhile she wasn't doing much signing and I wasn't forcing it. But then I realized that she isn't doing much talking so I started to be more consistent and she is doing great now. She can sign: banana, more, all done, eat, please, dog, baby, ball.

Things she loves: the book "Good Night Moon", wearing sunglasses, cell phones, her daddy

She says: Mama, Dada, bubba (brother), BoBo (our neighbors dog), uh oh!, Hi!

Loves to eat fruit: Her favorite I think is mandarin oranges and blueberries.
Favorite food: cheese, goldfish crackers.

She loves to put objects in containers.

She is getting really attached to her thumb and her Bear.

She hasn't cut any teeth in awhile. She has just 6. 4 on top and two on the bottom.

LOVES animals of any kind. She can hardly contain herself when she sees the cats and dogs outside.

Loves balls. This makes her birth parents happy since they are both big sports players.

She hasn't been much for formula but once I started adding whole milk to it she has liked it alot more. She is at about half and half formula/milk. I waited awhile because at 9 months she had low iron.

She loves to drink water. She takes after me and her brother.

She is still taking two naps at 9am and 1pm. Goes to bed for the night at 8pm and sleeps until 6:30 or 7.

Oak is still a pretty content little lady. She has a killer smile and personality. She KNOWS she is cute and takes full advantage of it. She is so full of energy and is constantly on the go. She brings so much love, light and laughter to our home. And still am in awe that I get to be her mother!

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