Monday, May 23, 2011

Mother's Day

I am so late in posting about Mother's Day, but oh well!
Mother's Day was good! Although I love my Mother and am so grateful for her and this was my 4th official Mother's Day, I still have such a hard time with it. I tried to push away the sad thoughts I had and just think of the good ones.
We were able to spend the weekend with my parents. They watched the kids for us on Saturday and we were able to go up to the Temple and do a session. Then Sunday Hubs made my mom and I breakfast and we went to church at my parents Ward. Hubs left in the middle of it and went to help set apart his brother (who lives in the same Stake as my parents) as the new and first Elders Quorum President in his branch, very cool! He was back before church was over. Then we ate dinner and went home to make sure we were able to visit Hub's Mom before the day was over.
I am so grateful for such an awesome Mother! I love that we live so close to her and that she gets to be an active role in my kids' lives. I am grateful for all that she does for us! When ever she comes to visit us she will play and play with the kids, change diapers and do my dishes. And she doesn't do it because I ask her, she does it because she wants to and loves to.
I am grateful for an wonderful Mother-in-law. She is such a great grandmother and we love everything she does for us. She is a very strong woman who is a great example of faith.
I LOVE being a Mother! It is also the hardest, most stressful job ever!! I am constantly worrying about whether they are ok. I wonder everyday if I am doing something or not doing something everyday to negatively affect them and their future. I am pretty sure the fact that my son is three is going to kill me, it is such a hard age! But on the other hand I think numerous times a day, what a joy it is to be the Mother of my children. And how much I REALLY do love being a mom. I love everything about it!
The hard part of Mother's day for me is thinking about the Birth Mothers of my children. I wonder and worry about whether the day is extra hard on them. I wonder if I have showed them enough how truly grateful I am for them and how much I love them and adore them. It is hard sometimes to get all the joy of Motherhood when it is what has caused them so much pain.
And then I think about those who are still waiting to be Mother's and I remember those days all too well and I hurt for them too. How I wish I could take their pain away!

In all


Jenni said...

Awww, You are a wonderful mama Brenley! You are so sweet and you have a beautiful family! We really need to get together. Would you like to come over sometime to make hairbows for the girls?

Desiree said...

Well, here's what I think... You are an amazing Mom. It's hard for any Mom not to worry about their kids, but I think you're doing awesome so don't worry too much. What a selfless thing to think about those wonderful ladies that gave up so much. By the way, you have an amazing Mom too. Tell her I said hi.

Oh, and I too have a hard time with Mother's day for a lot of reasons, but I'm glad you have some wonderful Mom's to celebrate with.

FarrEver Family said...

They are so lucky to have you as their mom! I adore you, and I am sure they do too. You are Amazing!