Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sunday Gratitude...

Daddy made Mac a chef's hat before they started cooking.

I am grateful...

~To live near my parents and my in-laws. I love that I can pack my family up and go spend the weekend at my parents house if I want to. And also that my in-laws live just 5 miles away on such beautiful property and we can go at a moments notice and spend time with them.

~For an awesome Visiting Teaching partner. She is a convert to the church and was baptised less than a year ago. She is such a great example to me and is also so fun and spunky.

~That my husband is willing to clean up puke, because I can't do it with out puking myself. After church today, Mac had too much applesauce in his mouth and gagged and then threw up his entire lunch. He isn't sick, he just has sensitive gag reflexes just like me!

~That Mac has been such a good boy the last couple of days. He has been a pretty rough customer lately and sometimes it is hard to just enjoy the cute and fun kid he is. But the last couple of days have been so much better.

~That Hubs and Mac got to go to their first Father & Son Campout together. It is a day we have been waiting for for more than 9 years. And I was just so excited for them. They had fun and Mac loved it!

~That we have been able to spend so much time with Hubs now that busy season is over. Mac is very attached to his Daddy right now and want to do everything with him. It is so cute!

~For Eternal Families!!! It has been 7 years since we lost our sister and I am comforted knowing that we will see her again.

~That Hubs and I were able to get to the Temple this month.

~That we had some awesome weather this last week and we were able to play outside, work on getting our back yard fixed up, pull weeds, and planted our garden.

~that Hubs didn't cut his finger off when he was using his saw. He just cut it really bad (not bad enough for stitches) and has a very bruised up finger.

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