Friday, May 20, 2011

Oak's 9 Months Stats...

Are you all on Oak overload?
Sorry, but she is cute and adorable and beautiful and fun and happy and we love her and I love to show her off a bit.
Plus I needed to get down her 9 month stats!

Weight: 23 lbs (95%)
Height: 26 in (95%)
I don't remember her head circum but it was also 95%

Her awesome doctor, Dr. K, was asking all the milestone questions  (Oak hadn't done much babbling since we had gotten there) and I was standing towards the Doctor holding Oak facing towards the Doctor too and Dr. K asks if she talks and babbles and Oak instantly points at her and starts talking away. We were all laughing so hard! It was so cute!


Just the THREE of us said...

Brenley, Dont know if you remember me, I googled LDS Adoption blogs about 3 years ago and found your blog. Although adoption didn't pan out for us, I have continued to read your blog- I love it! Well, I just had a friend contact me because they are considering adoption. I passed your blog onto her. Thank you for keeping your blog open. You are teaching and helping a lot of people!

Jewls said...

Gosh she's cute! I just want to snuggle her!