Friday, May 13, 2011

Oak lately...

Oak is NINE months old today! Time is speeding by way too fast, what?! 3 months until she turns ONE?
I won't be taking her pictures today because I have a million other things that need to get done.
But a pictures and a real update of our Missy Mae will be coming tomorrow or Saturday.
But for now here are some randomly cute pics of her lately...

I went in to check on Oak before bed and found her like this with her teddy bear. I thought that it was the cutest thing ever! Since I don't like giving her blankets while she sleeps yet I started giving this to her a couple of months ago to hold on to while she sucked her thumb to fall asleep. She sleeps with it for every nap and every night.

So Oaklee has become quite the silly girl lately. Her little personality is really showing and it is so cute! I was feeding her and she was making these faces. And honestly these were the actual faces she was making, not in the middle of a blink or anything. I was lucky enough to catch the actual silly face when she made it. I was cracking up!

And then of course her famous thumb sucking pose.

She went and sat herself by her toy box and she just looked so cute and big.

She would much rather play with Mac's cars and trains. He is getting much better about sharing with her.

She successfully climbed up this step by herself. She is getting way to big.

Outside watching Daddy and brother try to fly a kite.

She was being so wiggly!

Mother's Day post will hopefully come soon!

1 comment:

Blair and Leslie said...

She is so cute!! I can't believe how big she is. I love the picture of her sleeping with the teddy bear!