Sunday, January 2, 2011


Today was our big boy Mac's first day as a Sunbeam in Primary.
 I am so excited for some reason for him to finally be in Primary.
I think it is because I know that it will help him grow spiritually, and I am hoping that he will like going to church a little more. We decided that when started primary that it was time for him to start wearing a dress shirt and tie to church. And I was dying over how handsome and cute he looked!
Also something else I wanted to document is that last Month when we had Tithing Settlement. We decided to teach Mac about paying tithing. We got his piggy bank and we dumped all the change out of it and had him help us count it out. (He ended up with $40 in it, then he had another $50 for his birthday from Great Grandma and Great Grandpa.) We tried to teach him in the simplest way what tithing was and why we pay it and who gets it and the blessings that come from it. We told him all the blessings that we had received that we know was directly related to us faithfully paying our tithing. We told him that when the Bishop asked him if he was a full tithe payer that he could say YES! So when we went in, Hubs filled out a tithing slip for him and we had Mac hand it to him and when the Bishop asked him if he was a full tithe payer he excitedly said YES! It was a proud day for his Mommy and Daddy. (I also have to say that he was almost more excited about shaking the Bishops hand. He thinks it is the coolest thing how everyone shakes hands at church).

Both of my babies looked just too cute to pass up on some pictures. And Mac was semi-cooperative. And can you tell the face he makes the most (besides that he actually smiled for a few of these) when getting his picture taken now, mouth wide open. This makes it very hard to get any good pictures of him, although it really shows his goofball personality.

This is the picture I texted his birthmother today!
A little more about Mac being a Sunbeam:
We have been prepping him all week for this transition from Nursery to Sunbeam. And this morning as we were getting ready for church, Mac out of the blue says, "I think Oak wants to be a Sunbeam too!" I thought that it was so cute and it made me think that he was kindof realizing that he was going to be in a new class today. And on the way to church he kept telling us that he didn't want to go to Sacrament Meeting and just wanted to go to Primary to sing. And all the way through Sacrament Meeting he kept saying the same thing. Then when testimonies were done, he asked if it was time and I told him we had to sing and say the prayer and then we could go. He quickly folded his arms, thinking if he did that we could go quicker. When Sacrament Meeting was over he jumped up ready to go, and he went straight for the Primary room instead of the Nursery room which is on the way to the Primary room. He did ok at the very first and went and sat in his seat. But then one of the other Sunbeams started freaking out a little and so he did too. I am a teacher in Junior Primary, so I have been a little worried about him staying in his class when he can turn around and see me. I ended up having to go and get Hubs to come and sit with him, but he still wouldn't even do that. The choice we usually give him when he doesn't want to be in Sacrament Meeting or his class is to go sit in a cold dark room or stay and enjoy reading his books or enjoy his class. So Hubs took him out for a little while until Mac chose to come back to Primary. After awhile of being in there Hubs eventually was able to sit up front with him in his class. Then eventually Hubs was able to leave Mac in his class and go sit himself in the back of the room. After Mac got comfortable he turned into his "Class Clown" personality. Which is loud and obnoxious! I was quite embarrassed, because my son was definitely being the worst sunbeam. But I endured it and I just hope that his teachers take the initiative to help him get control of himself. I don't want to have to be telling him to sit and keep his hands to himself when his teachers should be telling him that. When sharing time and music time were done he went to his class just fine, which I knew he would do, because that is still mostly like Nursery still with all of his friends from his class. And during closing portion of Primary he stayed with his class although he was still all over the place up there and the most rambunctious. Hoping that he will do better in a few weeks after he gets used to the whole new routine.
Love my boy and he is growing up way too fast!


Cali and Travis said...

I'm actually kind of glad Gideon has another year before he goes to primary. I know he'll be one of the older kids in his class, but I think the year will give him a chance to mature a little more and handle the transition better. Good luck with it!

Our Pratt Pack said...

Boston had his 1st day as a Sunbeam too! He thought it was pretty cool to walk to Primary with his big sisters!

Marci said...

Those pictures are too cute! I can't believe how fast they are growing.