Monday, January 3, 2011


Today I was thinking about us taking Oak to the Temple on Saturday. And then my thoughts turned to remembering the day we took Mac to the Temple and the feelings I had that day. It was such an amazing a beautiful day and I have many precious memories that I will always cherish. But by far the most amazing part of the day (besides actually having Mac sealed to us)  was after the sealing when we were in the Atrium with all of our family, friends and Mac's birthfamily and C gave me a big hug and said the most beautiful thing to me, "I am so happy we both got was we wanted most!" Just thinking about that now brings me to tears! I have been so humbled on so many occasion by our beautiful C. She amazes me in every way! What she wanted most was for her son to have an eternal family, and although it was at a great cost to her, she was able to give him that. And what I wanted most was to have children added to our eternal family. And we had finally been blessed with that beautiful gift on that day after more than 6 years of trying to make that happen.

C is a big part of our lives, although we have not seen her in almost two years. She means so much to our family, and we love her as much as we love our Mac. She has BIG things ahead of her, hard and amazing things. We are so proud of her and we literally pray for her and thank our Heavenly Father for her EVERYDAY. I love that Mac knows who she is, that he came from her, and that he gets his red hair from her and that she LOVES him and that she feels blessed by him. We miss her like you wouldn't believe. When I think about how long it has been since we have seen her, it brings me to tears. I want to hug her so bad! But it makes us happy that she still includes us in her life, even while it is moving forward. We are so grateful that she lets us know what is happening in her life. And we love her more than words could ever express!


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