Monday, January 31, 2011

Mac Funnies!

too funny!!!

*Sunday morning we were reminding Mac that he gets to go to Primary and be a Sunbeam again. He started whining and saying that he didn't want to be. And about an hour after that Mac walks up to me and sounding defeated says, "Ok mommy, I'll be a Sunbeam."

*Out of no where Mac says, "After Grandpa (my dad) sneezes he says OH GEEZE!"

*Mac has been potty trained since the middle of December. But he was have some #2 issues one night and after putting him in bed (thankfully with a pullup on) he didn't quite make it to the bathroom. Without telling us anything and with out us hearing anything, he tries to clean it all up himself. Then we hear him running to our room and he is standing at the door with no pants or underwear on and poop up and down his legs he says, "Mom, WE'VE GOT A PROBLEM...I pooped!"

*Some how my birthday came up when having a conversation with Mac. And he just didn't understand why I wouldn't want a monster truck or a mac truck for my birthday. When I would tell him that I would rather have a "pretty" for me, he just kept asking me, "why don't you like monster trucks?" I tried to explain that I do like them, but for him, not for me. He still doesn't understand MY logic. Love that kid!!

*Grandma and Grandpa (my parents) have a toaster oven with a toaster slot on top. When grandma was making him toast Mac says, "Our toaster doesn't have a door!"

*A few months ago me and the kids were leaving my parents house to go home, it was dark and started to snow really hard. So we turned around and went back to my parents house. Mac really wanted to go home, so I was trying to explain to him that the roads were too dangerous to drive on and we needed to be careful. Fast forward to just this last week. We were leaving my parents house to go home and Mac didn't want to leave. As we were driving down the road he exclaims, "The roads aren't careful, we need to go back to Grandma's house!"

*Mac had just gotten done eating his PB&J sandwich and just hopped down from the table to go and play. I asked him if his hands were clean and he said, "Yep, I just licked them!"

*He was laying on the floor on his stomach and I told him it was time to eat dinner and he replied, "I need to do tummy time first!"

*He told me he had a secret and kept telling me to come closer when I put my ear out for him to tell me it. And when I got close enough he yelled it at me. We finally figured out he got this from the Emperors New Groove.

*Mac was having trouble staying in bed one night and he was finally being quiet so I quickly peeked my head in his door to see if he was asleep. He saw me and quickly put the blanket over his head and as I walked away I hear, "PHEW...that was close!"

*On his way to the bathroom he had peed in his underwear just a little bit (not enough to constitute changing them). And when he told me this he said "I peed just a teeny-bit, not a big-bit"


Ron and Jessica said...

Oh the adventures!

Stephanie said...

McCoy rocks! I love that you are recording all of these ~~~ true treasures. You can tell he is a big brother... him needing "tummy time" and all. :o)

Courtenay Beth said...

Aim laughing out loud at these! Thanks so much for posting them! Hahahaaaaaaaa... So hilarious!

FarrEver Family said...

THese are great. Now that I have been around him when he is a bit older. I can totally see all of these things coming out of his mouth. He is so cute!
Glad you posted. I was about to text and say, "Where are you?"
Hope everything is well.