Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Nut allergy = ER visit!

The week of Mac's birthday I made appointments for both kids to get their well baby check ups. Mac went Wednesday and Thursday was Oak's turn for her well baby check up. (I made them on separate days on purpose because I knew Mac would be too distracting for Oak's appointment.) My parents were in town shopping so they said they could come to the doctor's office to watch Mac in the waiting room while I took Oak in. While I was doing that my Dad gave Mac a bite of his nature bar made mostly of nuts. (sidenote: I have had suspicions before this incident that he might be allergic to nuts and my dad was not aware of that). So as soon he took a bite he started gagging and acting weird and then his face got  bright red and swollen. My mom thought he was going to throw up, but he didnt'. I was shocked when I came out of the office and saw his face that way. After about an hour it got a little better, and we went to lunch, but then we noticed that his ears were bright red and he was rubbing them like crazy and he said that they itched. I took him to the bathroom and then noticed he had little welts all over his stomach and his diaper area was bright red. I thought that it might be from his MMR Vaccination from the day before. I then went home and on the way home he started itching his head really bad and then freaking out because his stomach was itching and he couldn't itch it because of his straps of his car seat. His entire face started turning bright red and his ears were swollen. On the way home I kept praying that our neighbor who is a nurse would be home. And thankfully she was. I stopped at her house and asked her to take a look at him. She immediately said it was an allergic reaction and she had some benedryl to give him. She said that it looked really bad but that she thought I should take him to the doctors office instead of the ER or urgent care because she didn't wasn't to expose Mac to all the things going around that people have been going to those places for (like strep throat). I went home and called the doctors office and they transferred me to the "ask a nurse". After explaining to her what was going on she told me to take him to the ER. Amongst all of this my Visiting Teacher was about to stop by to visit me. Which I was actually grateful for because when she got there she played with Mac in his room while I got stuff put together to drop Oak off somewhere and to be gone a couple of hours with Mac. I called my nurse neighbor again and asked her if she would watch Oak while I took Mac to the ER. She was more than happy to and LOVES Oak. I dropped off Oak and met Hubs at the ER. Literally by the time we got there Mac looked about 95% better (I wish I had taken a picture of him, but really my mind was not thinking in that direction). We then got him checked in and they took us back and the doctor looked at him for a few minutes and we told him what happened and he didn't think it was a nut allergy because he can eat peanut butter just fine. But I am pretty sure he is allergic to some kind of nut. I will take him back to the allergist in a few months and we will just avoid nuts when possible. I have found out since this happened that peanuts are not nuts and someone can have a major allergy to nuts and eat peanut butter just fine. So we are still giving him peanut butter with out any problems. One thing that the doctor said that an allergy where you break out into an allergic reaction can get worse everytime it happens. So far when Mac has had reactions they have not gone to his lips, tongue or throat, but this by far was the worst and all previous reactions have just been on the face.

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