Thursday, April 14, 2011

a decade...with eternity left!

To think we have been married for ten years is crazy. On one hand it is really hard to believe, because I don't feel that old and in hind-sight it seemed to go by fast. On the other hand it is easy to believe when I think about all that we have been through in ten years.
We have had the lowest of lows and the highest of highs (several of each of those) and every thing in between!
Hubs and I chose to be married in the Temple where we could be sealed to each other forever, not just until "death do us part".
Over these ten years we have had many huge events happen in our lives that have reaffirmed how important it is to us to live worthily so that we can keep those blessings that come from the covenants we made with each other and our Heavenly Father ten years ago.
We want our family to be FOREVER!
We want to see our sister B and our nephew N.
We want the beautiful children that we are and will be blessed with to be with us in the eternities!
I want this man I fell in love with and married ten years ago to be by my side forever.

Thank you...
for always loving me,
for being beyond patient with me,
for being my rock in our darkest days,
for holding me until I fall asleep,
for telling me you love me,
for kissing me after we pray,
for kissing me every morning when you get out of bed,
for kissing me every time you leave and come home,
for helping me when I need you,
for our signal,
for loving me no matter what I look like,
for listening to my rambling thoughts,
for holding my hand,
for being worthy to hold the priesthood,
for having a Temple recommend,
for coming home every night to us,
for being the man I want by my side forever,
and for being everything I need you to be!



Emily said...

Snazzy blog make-over Brenley! Don't take this the wrong way...but you guys look SOOOOO young! I love it! You still look young too!

Sometimes I'm in awe of you guys because you HAVE been through so much, more than most couples. You're a great example.

Happy 10 years!!

katie said...

Brenley you are one amazing lady! You just seem to radiate love for everyone. I love all the creativity in your blog. Such talent. And congrats on ten years you guys are a such a cute couple.