Thursday, October 13, 2011

Thoughts on #3

Mac singing "I Am A Child Of God" to Oak.

So maybe a month ago, I was talking to my neighbor while the kids were outside playing. I don't remember how the conversation turned to this, but I had told her that I was no where near ready for a third although I know there WILL be a third. And I really meant that when I said it!

I wasn't feeling ready emotional and I knew/know we aren't ready financially. It still felt exhausting having two kids. It felt totally fine to think of our third not coming for a few years.

Then a week later I went to the General Relief Society Broadcast and while sitting there listening I got side swiped by baby hunger. When I got home, Hubs asked me what I got out of the broadcast, and my answer was "I am now baby hungry". And then I was a little shocked when he shared with me a little experience he had (it's not mine to share) that made us both wonder if it is time to start working on adding to our family again.

I am not sure I am ready for this emotional roller coaster that goes along with adoption and infertility. But the hunger and feelings are getting stronger and I know our family is ready for another baby.

YIKES! I can't believe I am saying that!

I don't really know what the future holds, I don't know when we will start the adoption process. But I do know that I am trying to push away the heartache of infertility this time (easier said than done) and pay attention to the promptings to help us find our next little one.


Jill said...

You truly are blessed for listening to those special promptings. You are a great mother to M & O & will be a great mother to #3 when the time comes. I'm glad I can follow your beautiful family & look forward to one day joining you in the Temple for the 3rd time with your precious family. Sounds like 2012 may be an exciting year.

Jewls said...

I didn't expect to be ready for #2 as quickly as we were...yet I know we were supposed to start the process when we did. It's hard not to be discouraged that nothing has begin to doubt yourself!

But HOW EXCITING! It's funny how those promptings sneak up on you huh?!

Emily said...

YAY!! You are so lucky that your husband is willing to have more kids...I have to BEG Steve. You guys are just special though and if the timing's right I hope it happens SOON for you...that way we can go crazy with our 3 kids together!!

Anonymous said...

that is great! (of course this post just stresses me out, as you know from reading a post on my but I am glad the spirit is guiding you and your hubby to the place you need to be to begin family building for #3!! :)


Ashley said...

Nuh-uh, if you have a baby number three then I need to have another one of the opposite gender. B, if we're going to marry our kids off to each other then we need to TALK about these things!!

Ben & Diane said...

Congrats! Being open to the spirit and it's promptings is scary sometimes, huh? But, I am so happy for you guys. I hope this adoption goes smoothly. I have a greater appreciation for women who have gone through infertility as I am now facing that myself. And it sucks. I'm glad you have such a positive attitude about it!

Dan and Ang said...

I can't even tell you how excited I am for you and your family!! I can't wait to hear all about the process!!

FarrEver Family said...

Not sure how I missed this post, but I am gllad I heard the good news through Sunday gratitude! Super Excited! we love you!

Danae.Winder said...

B, you are one of my favorite people in the world~ Your positive attitude and faithfulness inspire me to be better! I am so excited to hear about #3 joining your family soon! Prayers and happy thoughts to you!!!