Tuesday, October 11, 2011

spunky brewster...

Her curls. Sometimes her hair is curlier than this and sometimes it is straighter.

This is pretty much how you will see her if she is tired. Bear and thumb in mouth.

And see the owie on her forehead. She fell when standing on the down slope of the driveway and decided to lean over to grab her shoes. She face planted. It was sad!

Loves her babies!

She has just discovered these and wants me to put them on her numerous times a day.

Trying to keep her occupied with the tupperware drawer while I make dinner.

She is really funny in that she will just go and find a place and just sit. Usually it is a little bit more secluded but she decided that this place wars good for now.

Cute girl, silly face.

She has taken to the snack bench. She looks like such a big girl!

She LOVES her new water bottle!


McCluskey Family said...

We have those bottles for the boys and we love them. We have lost one of them so we have to go get another one.

McCluskey Family said...

We have those bottles. We love them.