Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sunday Gratitude

Visiting Grandma C on her 60th birthday.

I am grateful...

01.  for the promptings that have lead us to actually get our adoption paperwork started. I will be calling LDS Family Services this week to get the ball rolling. Very excited and nervous!

02.  for my husband who is a righteous priesthood holder that is willing to serve the Lord with all his heart, might and mind. He was called today as the Elders Quorum President in our Ward and I know that he will be faithful and hardworking.

03.  to be able to strengthen our family while making memories as we spend time together, both our little family and extended family.

04.  to be able to have the missionaries in our home for dinner. When we do, I think to the future when my children will be on missions and others will be doing the same for them. 

05.  to be able to teach my children the Gospel. And for them to do or say things that make me aware that they are listening and watching closely.

06.  that although Oak is getting 4 teeth at once that you wouldn't be able to tell. She is just such a happy, sweet (and sometimes a little wild) girl.

07.  to see, play and decorate cookies with friends this week that we haven't seen in awhile. I am grateful that we met and became friends while we served in the Spanish Branch.

08.  for love and support from family and friends when it comes to adoption and infertility and that I have had very few instances where someone I know has been rude or inconsiderate on purpose about our circumstances.

09. for the blessings that come from attending the Temple and the opportunities that have presented themselves for us to be able to make 3 trips in in a matter of 6 weeks.

10.  for my firm testimony of the Gospel and that I have a loving Heavenly Father and Savior who bless my life.

1 comment:

FarrEver Family said...

So stoked for the beginning of a new journey toward adopting a new one into your family! We will be anxiously awaiting any news that comes with the process!
Love yous so much!