Sunday, January 1, 2012

Sunday Gratitude {for 2011}...

I am grateful...

01.   we have all been healthy.
02.   that my husband has been able to provide for our necessities.
03.   that we live comfortably.
04.   that we have been able to work on strengthening our marriage and our relationships with our children.
05.  for visits, texts, phone calls, gifts and the showing of love and gratitude that we have been able to give and receive from both of our children's birth families.
06. to be living near my parents and most of Hubs's family. Such a blessing!
07.  to have a strong testimony of paying tithing and to recognize the blessings it has offered to our family.
08.  that Hubs and I both hold Temple recommends.
09.   to be able to stay home and teach and take care of my children.
10.  for the gospel of Jesus Christ!

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