Monday, January 2, 2012


Since Hubs and I were married more than ten years ago, at the end of every year I always find myself a bit shocked that we made it through another year financially. I have always felt that we have been pretty smart with our money, but it just always seemed impossible that we made it through without any major financial problems. But in the end we always know the answer to our wondering...we have paid a full tithe.
We have talked numerous times about the countless blessings that have come directly from paying our tithing. And we have shared numerous times with our kids the fact that they wouldn't be a part of our family without us paying our tithing. And we hope to continue to make sure they understand that our family is continually blessed by paying a full tithe. And I hope they grow to truly understand it's importance in their lives. We started last year to teach Mac about tithing and we will continue to do this every with our kids.
The beginning of December we emptied the kids' piggie banks and helped them count out their money.  Mac loved emptying his pig and sorting the coins in piles.  We tried to include Oak the best we could but she wanted to help more than she could or should. As you could tell she wasn't very happy about it. But their money got counted out and Hubs (who is an accountant in real life) played the accountant and figured out, via spreadsheet, how much money they had earned, how much for tithing, how much to put in the bank and save.
We talked to Mac about giving his tithing to the Bishop and then we were going to go to tithing settlement and he would be able to answer "yes" when the Bishop would ask us if we were full tithe payers. We also talked about saving his money to be able to serve a mission.
A few days later, Mac was talking about going to Disneyland again and I told him that we can't go for a few years because we don't have enough money to go right now. He right then decided that he wanted to save his money in his piggie bank to be able to help us have enough money to go to Disneyland someday. It was very cute!

Peaking through the hole to see if there is anymore money in it.

Sorting the coins.

Mad she couldn't help.

He probably sat here for an hour figuring it all out. He is an accountant at heart! Love him!

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