Wednesday, January 18, 2012


So one day at the beginning of the month, Hubs and Mac went to town and ran some errands and to go to the "Train Store" (The Toy and Hobby Shop). They also took Mac's $50 that he got for his birthday from his Great Grandma. They came back with a BIG box with a Lego kit inside. And so Legos have now been introduced to our house and I don't think we can look back.
Mac still doesn't know how to put them together but he LOVES the little Lego people and carried them around constantly for a week...until he got them all taken away for very poor behavior and monstrous fits when put in time out. There was a lot of drama! He has had to earn them back by going seven days (not consecutive) without being put in time out. After today he has two days left and this started 9 days ago.
Anyway back to Legos! He loves them and to tell you the truth I love them too because they remind me of my childhood. I hope he grows to love them and love actually being able to build things with them. Daddy likes them too!!

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