Thursday, January 19, 2012

Snow day!!!

So Sunday morning we woke up to snow. It was beautiful and both my kids were just completely enamored by it and just stood at the window watching it all morning. We didn't go out and play in it because we have church at 10am and Hubs was at his meeting. It is already hard to get us all ready by myself for church and knew adding playing in the snow to the morning would only complicate things. But thankfully Mac was ok with waiting until after church and never complained about that. When we were leaving for church ALL of the neighborhood kids were out playing in the snow across the street in the neighbors large side yard. I thought he would freak out and instead he just asked why they weren't going to church. It snowed alot while we were at church but by the time we got home most of it was melted. We did have a little in our backyard so Daddy and Mac went out and played in it for a little while.
But thankfully when we woke up Monday morning we had more snow! YAY!!! Mac was told that as soon as he got his room cleaned up he could go and play in the snow. (We have a new policy in our house called "Work then play!!") He was a very big slow poke and just wasnt' getting the job done until I talked to him about how it was going to make him feel that if he chose to not clean his room and he looked out the window and saw all of his friends playing and he couldn't go out. He finally realized how he would actually feel instead of us just threatening him. And he hopped right to it. Finally I texted all the neighborhood moms that we were heading outside and hoped they could come and play with us. Not long after that almost every one was out. Have I mentioned how much I LOVE our neighborhood?!
Oh and I feel bad that I had layed Oak down for a nap and she didn't get to play in the snow at all. I had even bought her some little snow boot in anticipation of this snow.

Throwing a snowball at me...cute little stinker!

LOVE this action shot of the boys having a snowball fight!

Snow Angel!!

I thought that our little bush was so pretty.

Another of Mac's snow angels.

I think they were playing snow mummies or something like that.

Most of the little boys in our neighborhood. There were a couple more not there that I think were sick or just not out.

I really don't like snow all that much because I hate being cold and wet. But since Mac has been old enough to play in it and we live in a fun neighborhood I get super excited! Fun memories!

1 comment:

Tia Hopper said...

You got some great pictures!