Thursday, January 12, 2012

Oak at 17 months...

*Boy is this girl spicey!! Yowzers!!
*She pretty much makes us laugh constantly with her silly and naughty antics.
*She "snaps" her fingers when she is dancing.
*says two and sometimes three word sentences.
*she is saying too many words to document all of them.
*she communicates really well and doesn't do much babbling anymore.
*will NOT leave her piggies in or any other hair pretty for that matter.
*she has a love/hate or a scared to death but extremely intrigued relationship with the garbage truck. She wants/needs to go outside to see it, yet she has a look of total terror on her face and you can tell she is trying to hold it together and be brave so that she can wave hi to the garbage man. It is reallly cute!!
*She says "I sit THERE!!" about a million times a day. She usually will slap her hand down where ever it is she wants to sit, or wants you to sit or wants you to set down what ever it is she wants. It makes me laugh everytime.
*She also has been quite clingy lately and she is constantly coming up to me and saying, "Hold me."  in the cutest little sweet voice, I pretty much can't refuse.
*Still calls all dogs "Bobo". Which is the name of our neighbors dog and really the first dog she ever was exposed to.
*She LOVES her big brother "Coy" and is constantly asking for him, calling for him or if he is on the floor, tackling him. She wants to play in his room and be doing what ever it is he is doing. But as soon as he wants to love on her and smother her with playfulness she is yelling "STOP!" at him over and over.
*She has become a bit more of a picky eater since she was sick last week.
*She can eat with a fork pretty well and we are still working on using a spoon without dumping everything before it gets to her mouth.
*She is a climber and very busy, which means she gets hurt alot.
*She loves taking baths.
*She is still quite attached to her bear and she has a favorite blankie now.
*She goes down for naps and bed time so well.
*Most days I can get two naps out of her depending on the timing.
*She is ready for bed everynight at 8pm sharp. It doesn't matter if she woke up from a nap an hour earlier or not.

1 comment:

Desiree said...

she is so stinkin' cute!!