Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012 here I come...

I am not really a New Years resolution maker. I am pretty sure I don't make any in fear that I will fail. But the last few months I have put in an honest effort of change in a few areas of my life and so I thought I would at least get those written out. I kindof hesitate to do this. For some reason I feel like if I wright something down like this that I won't actually do it. I don't know, maybe I am crazy! But maybe it will at least inspire someone else.

Here goes...

01.   be a more attentive mother and spend more one on one time with each of my kids.
02.  be more serving to my husband in areas other than the normal daily house wife duties.
03.  go on more dates with my husband even if I am the one who has to initiate the idea and find the time to do and find a babysitter. (and not have a bad attitude about that part)
04.  have a better attitude about life, smile more and make less negative comments.
05.  organize my house so that it is easier to be a better house keeper. (I have already been working on this one the last couple of months and I feel like I am doing pretty good with it).
06.  do more random acts of kindness or service.
07.  be less uptight with my kids and their activities (hence the photo above: me letting Mac jump and get dirty and wet in the puddles today).
08.  make an extra effort in every aspect of my day.
09.  be more patient with my very cute and funny, but very challenging four year old. ( I have already been working on this and I feel like I am doing really good at this)
10.  be a better friend!
11.  blog more of our life and start making our blog into yearly books.
12.  praise my kids more and say NO less.
13.  be OK and have a good attitude with having to step out of my comfort zone.
14.  be a better daughter, sister and Aunt.
15.  be better about birthdays.
16.  celebrate life and the beautiful earth we live on.
17.  spend more time outside being active.
18.  be less of a home body.
19.  say my prayers and read my scriptures more.
20.  spend less and do not allow impulse buying.
21. do not shop without making a dinner menu.
22.  get rid of junk and things we haven't and probably never will use.
23.  finish our adoption paperwork and get approved.
24.  wait for our next baby with a positive and happy heart.
25.  enjoy motherhood everyday.
26.  laugh more.
27.  capture more moments with beautiful photos instead of relying on my point and shoot camera.
28.  TV off more and play more music.
29.  take care of myself better.
30.  go on a vacation with my husband.

I ended up with way more than I thought I would put down. I might even add more as I think of more.


Desiree said...

This is a great list, in fact most if not all of these things are exactly what I have been trying/will be working on too! Wow, I'm amazed that you even have to work on some of these things. I know what you mean about the writing things down part, I kind of have a phobia about that too.

Jewls said...

I love it! You should print a list and stick it somewhere you can see it everyday!

Kristen Moss said...

you go girl...I already have this amazing picture perfect view of you in my head, keep it up mama, you have to be doing something right, your kids are beautiful and you all seem happy. something is right there, dont focus so much on the negatives, I think you are pretty awesome.