Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Oak is {6 months}

Weight: 20 lbs. (95th percentile)

Height 27.5 in. (95th percentile)

*she has completely ditched her binky and now sucks her thumb. She mostly does it when she is tired or hungry.

*When she is tired or eating she covers her face with her arms or hands. And she usually falls asleep that way too.
*She is now constantly rolling from tummy to back and back to tummy. So she can get around!

*Her legs or feet are constantly moving. She twists her ankles in circles alot and sometimes she stares at them when she is doing that.

*She started rice cereal this month and just started baby food on Sunday the 13th. It was green beans and she LOVED every bite, she ate the whole stage 1 container!

*She is still drooling like crazy but I still don't see any teeth.

*She pushes up with her hands when she is on her tummy.

*She is sitting up pretty much all by herself for more than 5 minutes at a time.

*She loves to be held and really loves constant attention.

*She is rarely ever crabby and is just such a happy baby.

*She takes one short morning nap (about 1 hour) and one long afternoon nap (at least 2 hours).

*She still likes to go to bed around 6:30pm and sleeps at least 12 hours, usually.

*When you unbuckle her from her car seat, she acts like she is can't stand being in her car seat one more second.

*She is super ticklish.

*She stands straight when you hold her hands.

*she has rolls galore and we love every single one!

*she wears 12 month size clothes.

*She like to suck on her left foot.

*She is in a size 4 diaper.


Dan and Ang said...

Oh my word...SO darling!!!

Ron and Jessica said...

She's the cutest chunk I've ever seen! She fits perfectly in your family!!!

Emily said...

I love my babies with chunks and rolls!!! That's the best kind! She is so darling!

Julee and Matt said...

I love her! She is getting so big. And I love those pants, I remember when Macee wore then. Loves to all!

Courtenay Beth said...

What a happy cute little chunker!!! LOVE that smile! Woah, size 4 diapers?! Seriously LOOOOOVE her smile!

kristen said...

she is seriously beautiful, this is seriously a ton of pictures and I am seriously okay with it.