Sunday, March 24, 2013

Sunday Gratitude

I am grateful...

01. that my new nephew came to this world safe and sound. It was a little scary for a bit, and I cried when I got the text that he was here and doing great.

02.  to see my really good friend two days in a row. She is one of my closest long time friends and sometimes we go months without seeing each other. Silly, since we only live like 30 minutes from each other.

03.  for those that wished me a Happy Birthday. I don't like a big fuss about it, but grateful to those that remembered. 

04.  for really special, amazing friends who brought me the most amazingly beautiful and thoughtful gifts for my birthday.

05.  to get a date night every month. It is nice to get some alone time outside of our house with my hubby. And for a neighbor willing to do a date/babysitting swap with us.

06.  to an amazing Home Teacher that came and made us "roll up pancakes" with strawberries and whip cream for lunch today after church. 

07.  for the birthday money that I received that will allow me to buy some new Chacos. I am so excited I can hardly stand waiting to buy them!

08.  for awesome parents who sent me a plant (instead of flowers) for my birthday. My green thumb died when I became a mom, so hopefully I won't kill it.

09. that busy season will be over in three weeks!!

10. to be another year older and have the life I have. I am one lucky girl!


Lanette said...

Happy (belated) birthday! So glad it was good!

hope2adoptbaby said...

Happy birthday! Hope you were spoiled!