Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Just so you know...

This is what my counter looks like most of the time. This picture was taken less than 24 hours after it was completely cleaned off and all the dishes were clean and put away. And the only reason it was done the day before is because a friend was coming over for dinner. I hate doing dishes and we use a lot of dishes when making meals and snacks because we make so much from scratch.

I feel like all of my posts lately have been sappy and happy lately. Don't get me wrong, everything I have shared has been real life. Life is really great right now, I don't feel like I have much to complain about.
The reason for my sappy and happy posts have been because I am trying to get more out of my life, trying to be happier and find the good and great in my life instead of focusing on the hard parts. I want to enjoy the little things and not miss out on what I have in front of me. Because life really is great!

Just so you know my life as a stay at home mom looks a lot like yours. I lose my patience, my kids throw massive temper tantrums over nothing, I want to pull my hair out by the end of the day most days, my house is a complete disaster, I don't always have dinner ready when my hubby gets home, my master bathroom should have a bio-hazard sign on the door right now, I haven't put away any clean clothes in at least two weeks, we have been digging for clothes through laundry baskets and piles on the floor, we don't get dressed  on days that we don't plan on going anywhere or going outside to play, sometimes my kids go a whole week without taking a bath because I just forgot or was just too lazy, I rarely have done Oak's hair and most days she looks like a rag-a-muffin because I don't want to wrestle her to get dressed in what I want her to wear, some days I spend way too much time on the computer, some days it takes every thing in me to just do the basics, and most nights I go to bed feeling guilty and sad that I wasn't the best mother and wife I could have been that day.

Life is hard, but life is good!


Blair and Leslie said...

I am loving your other posts, but I am thankful for this post. Most of what you said is totally me. It is nice to know that I am not the only one! :)

Tia Hopper said...

I also appreciate this post and especially the picture! I LOATHE dishes. My house could be totally clean but the sink and counters are full of dishes. Ugh, hate them. But thanks for the reality!

Shaun and Lanette said...

I think this post rocks. I have a hard time finding that balance that works best for me between being positive and being "real" too. And I think you're awesome!

Whitney said...

Love this post. I totally agree with the above poster. The balance between positive and real is a tricky one.

Unknown said...

OH THANK YOU!!! This could be my post, that is exactly what my kitchen looks like most days! My hubby is out of town for 9 weeks right now and Ive been feeling down on myself about all the things you mentioned. I am so glad it is not just me. Having little kids is HARD (but of course an AMAZING beautiful blessing too). Thank you for being honest and giving me a pick me up. I love your blog!