Wednesday, March 6, 2013


-So I had decided to delete my Facebook account completely. I scheduled it to be done, which takes two weeks. After about a week, I decided to not delete it completely and to just keep it deactivated for now.

--So I started to do a little mommy preschool with Oak. Last week we only ended up doing one day of it but that was all she needed to learn the letter A. Since then she has continually pointed out evey A that she sees. She loved doing it and we will continue to do it a couple a days a week when Mac is at preschool.

--One day I was just getting tired of Mac's room and I wanted to clean it, move his bed and take down the rain gutter bookshelves (which I hated) and make room for a little table so he can have a place to play legos and draw. Mac actually helped me a lot, although he didn't really like it. We took down the bookshelves, washed the walls and baseboards, vacuumed, moved his bed, cleaned out his closet, boxed up clothes that don't fit him anymore, and organized and got rid of some toys. I then worked on Oak's a little bit too, but didn't do as thorough of a job.

--I took Mac to the allergist for his yearly visit. They retested him for two nuts that he showed just a slight reaction to with his previous testing. He wanted to see if it was a false positive or if the reaction was less or  more. It happened to be a bit more of a reaction. It was hard to talk Mac into getting the testing done, but the nurse was patient with me and I finally got Mac to do it although he was not happy about it.

--After the allergist Mac and I went on a little date to get a Happy Meal and then to see the movie The Rise of The Guardians at the movie theater. He was so excited about it. It is fun to take just one of my kids out with me at a time. I feel like they are a totally different kid when they are by themselves.

--A couple of weeks ago, Mac woke up close to midnight and wanted me to come snuggle him. After he went to the bathroom I layed down and snuggled him in his bed. After a few minutes he told me his stomach hurt and asked him if he needed to go potty. He said he already had, which clued me into the possibility of him throwing up. So I went a grabbed a bowl and set it next to him and told him if he needed to throw up to do it in the bowl. A few minutes after that he sat up and threw up his entire stomach into the bowl (thankfully). He felt so much better after that. He woke up in the morning with a low grade fever, but had alot of energy and was not liking the fact that I was making him stay on the couch and rest. He had a another low grade fever late afternoon. But once that was gone, he was fine and never got sick again. Thankfully Oak didn't get it.

-So I had ordered essential oils from doTerra and was excited to when we finally got our package. I opened it up and they had packed everything but our oils (The Family Physician Kit). So I emailed me friend who helped me get all set up through doTerra, and she got it all taken care of. It was just an over sight and I had my oils within a few more days. And I was able to use them alot while my kids were sick this past week.

-So there is an adoption blog that I enjoy reading and she was doing a giveaway for a CD and so I entered and won. I was so excited!

-My friend is certified to teach children yoga and she was teaching a class at a neighboring towns library. So we decided to go because it sounded fun and to support my friend. It was so much fun, and the kids keep talking about going again. But while we were there, I did see a lady with a video camera but didn't think much of it. But the next day a friend from my ward texted me saying she had seen my kids on the news. He then emailed me the clip and sure enough my kids were in the short clip ALOT. Mac thinks he is the coolest kid ever because he was on the news. (If you are at all interested here is the link then go to the "Ducks win civil war, third Coos Bay murder arrest" link and it is the last 45 seconds of the clip. Which unfortunately you have to watch the whole clip to get to the end.)

 -Both of the kids have had diarrhea for a couple of days, then Mac got a bad cough, then a fever, then a sneezy, snotty nose. Thankfully Oaks never got that far. We had a few sleepless nights and early mornings watching movies because he just couldn't sleep. Yesterday, at about 10:30am he said he was tired and wanted to take a nap. I took him to his room, and he fell asleep within a couple of minutes, and slept for nearly four hours. When he woke up, he seemed to be feeling A LOT better. As of today, he seems to be over everything but the cough. Which we can probably count on staying for a bit. Unfortunately he has missed preschool and Taekwondo for the entire week. We haven't left the house in three days, and you can tell that we are going to go crazy if we don't get outside or just somewhere else soon.

And a few pictures from a beautiful day last week...

oak giving her favorite dog, Bobo, a hug.

the ladybug oak carried around for a few hours. pretty sure the poor thing was traumatized. it did live and I finally talked her into laying it on a leaf so it could go find it's family.

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