Saturday, March 2, 2013

February in photos...

So excited February is means we are that much closer to the end of tax season and nicer weather. Now hopefully March will go by just as quick :)

Oak found almost every play phone we had in our house and had to have one in each pocket, then she had to take them with her when we walked to go pick up brother from preschool.  Her pants were about to fall off of her, so funny.

Oak's first self portrait! After she made the squigly line, she said, "That's my curly hair!" I can't even explain how much I love this!

One of our Taekwondo friends. She was adopted form Ethiopia. And she is just the cutest thing, we love her!

Babysitting for date night and trying to get the kids to calm down with a movie. Didn't work, they were up and running around with in 5 minutes of this picture being taken.

Oak with her cousin at the grandkid v-day party.

My in-law's dog, Benji. Mac isn't afraid of dogs, but he hasn't really liked Benji much because he is a bit of a hyper dog and gets really excited when visitors come and tends to be loud, pushy and jumpy. But Mac has finally made friends with him and has realized if he just lets Benji come and snuggle him a bit he calms down.

This was Oak really sad to wake up and find out she had to stay home with grandma instead of getting to go to taekwondo with mommy and brother.

We have been pretty healthy in our house this year, but one night Mac threw up and then had a slight fever and that was the end of it. I did however make him take it easy for at least 24 hours. He did not like it that much.

Oak got a stamp at grandma's v-day party so we got some ink at the store and the kids went to town with it. You can see Oak got a little crazy and stamped up and down both of her arms. She got a bath after this.

Our neighbor friends ended up coming over for our v-day candle light dinner because their mom needed to take their dad to the hospital for an injury he got while working. All the kids loved it!

We have been having glow stick dance parties alot lately. This night we took lots of cool pictures painting with the light.

Playing with neighbor friends on nice days. We can hardly wait for the real nice weather to show up!

Just a cute one of our cute girl!

v-day breakfast for the kids!

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