Thursday, March 28, 2013

From scratch: Microwave popcorn

I am not sure that this can really be considered as a "from scratch" recipe or even really a recipe. I think of it more as a tip. And a really great and easy one.
 It has been a few years since I have bought microwave popcorn, but it was because it is cheaper and tastes better to make it on the stove. But I really dislike the mess it makes and I really dislike using that much oil when cooking it on the stove. 
Then I found this nifty trick!

Microwave popcorn:

You need a paper lunch bag, a 1/4 measure cup and popping corn.
Put a quarter cup of the popping corn in the bag and fold the top over a few times.
Put it in the microwave and cook for about 2 minutes or until the popping almost stops completely.
(It took me a few tries to figure out the perfect time on my microwave to not burn it).
Pour popcorn in bowl and butter and season however you like. 
I use one bag twice and it makes a full bowl of popcorn to enjoy.


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