Monday, March 18, 2013

1000 and a BIRTHday!

I am so excited that for my 1000th post I get share that my beautiful nephew was born this morning!
We are so excited that Mr. C has joined our family.
Isn't he so cute!? Oh I love him!
And the best thing is that he has strawberry blond hair, and lots of it, no fuzz!
Congrats to my sister-in-law and her husband on their first baby.

And yes! Can you believe that this is my 1000th post? It makes me happy that I have kept a good record of my little family for the past six and a half years. I have been working on putting 2012 into book form. I am starting with last year and working my way back. It will be a long process with that many posts to deal with. 


Jill said...

Congrats!!!! So exciting for your family!!!!

I love my blog books, I have done them yearly through Blurb & I love how they turn out. Good luck & have fun with it!!!

Tia Hopper said...

He IS the cutest!! I want to see the hair! I love the chubby cheeks! Does it pull at your adoption heart stings? Sure hope that happens soon for you as you've waited the longest so far. Sigh...

Can't believe you've done 1,000 posts! It made me curious so I had to look, I've done 328 or something. But I've only been doing it over 3 years. I just got our 2011 blog book and I love it! Ugh, now I need to start editing 2012! It's a bit of work but SO worth it!!! I print a hard back for the family and one for each of the kids in paperback. I don't do albums anymore.