Mac was upset at Oak because he wanted to hold her ladybug, hence the face.
Oak: Mac can we fight the bad guys? Cause they tickled my baby!
I told her that my stomach hurts...
Oak: Mom if your stomach hurts, you should go lay down.
Oak: I'm a great jumper!
Mom: You are! How did you get to be such a great jumper?
Oak: Because I'm beautiful.
Hubs had put on The Mormon Channel on our ROKU and pulled up the scripture reader for kids where it shows just pictures and narrates them. When breakfast was ready Mac asked if we could watch it during breakfast, I told him we couldn't and reminded him of our rule of no tv while eating meals (except on Friday and/or Saturday). He got really mad (lately he feels that rules don't apply to him anymore) and said, "I guess you don't want me to learn the Gospel!!" Kind of hard to argue with that :) Actually I still didn't let him because I explained to him why we don't watch tv while we are eating and that I really wanted to talk with him. He wasn't buying it.
The kids hate when hubs and I kiss. And one night when I was putting Mac to bed he told me I could kiss him and Oak all I wanted but I couldn't kiss dad, but could just give him high fives. He was dead serious!!
We were eating at my in-laws house and the missionaries were over for dinner also. Oak was really wanting to talk to the missionaries and for them to pay more attention to her. So she got there attention and said, "Elders, do you know what?...My mom is cute!"
Oak got a new pair of crocks since she has outgrown her old ones. Every time she would put them in the first couple of days having them she would say, "These aren't just any crocks...these are girl shoes."
Mac woke me up at a little after 6 am with "I need you mom, I have a special occasion for you." I was already awake and was thinking he was going to surprise me with something special since he has kind of been doing little sweet surprises for us lately, so I got up. I then found him in the bathroom where he announces he has diarrhea and he had an accident in his underwear. At first I was thinking that he still had a surprise for me, but after talking with him, I found out I was wrong and me helping him get cleaned up WAS the special occasion. Luckiest mama in the world, right here!!
We were playing outside and my kids were fighting over who got to hold Bobo's leash (our neighbor's dog). At one point Oak was holding the leash and Mac was pretending to be scared or something and ran away from Oak and Bobo. Oak then shouted to Mac, "It's just Bobo, not a monster". She said it in a tone of "are you blind?!?!"
Sweet Moments:
Hubs decided he wanted to give the kids "Father's blessings". Oak was very excited about it, and sat on the chair perfectly still, arms, folded, head bowed, and eyes closed for the whole blessing. Then she stood up and daddy went to give her a hug, and she stuck out her hand to shake daddy's hand instead. Then she just walked away with a big smile on her face. It was so precious and sweet!
Oak had asked me about where the trees came from. I explained to her that Heavenly Father made them, and mentioned a few other things that He also made. Then Mac walked up to Oak and said he wanted to tell her something. He put his hand on her shoulder and got really close to her and gently said, "Oak, Heavenly Father made YOU." Talk about tugging at my mommy heart strings.
One night after I had put Oak to bed (and daddy was at a church meeting), I asked Mac if he wanted to play a game before he went to bed. He chose a game, and I asked him if when we were done with that game if we could play Sequence Jr. (my favorite game). He said that was fine and when we were done with his game he went and got Go Fish instead. I reminded him that he said it was okay if we played Sequence, and that I really wanted to play Sequence. He got all pouty, and I decided to let it go (which I am trying to do more off) and told him that we could play Go Fish, and told him that it wasn't because he was pouting, but because I love him. And I meant that. He got kind of serious and then kind of mumbled to himself that he had a hard decision to make. And sat there for a bit, then got up, put the Go Fish game back and got the Sequence game out instead. I was a bit shocked and so proud of him for putting someone before himself and his wants. I talked to him about how proud I was of him, and how proud Heavenly Father was of him for making such a selfless choice. And I told him that I really was okay with playing Go Fish, if that is what he really wanted to play.
Mac: "brownies, cookies, cakes and muffins...I love you more than all of those things mommy!"