Saturday, August 31, 2013

Day at the coast!

I have not been to the coast once this year. So since we didn't make any plans for Labor Day weekend, we decided, kind of last minute, to go. When we got to the beach it was a bit foggy but looked like it would burn off before long. It did mostly, and it was actually sunny in the very spot we were at, but foggy all around us. It was pretty warm and not windy at all. Although the sand flies were crazy annoying! Just before we headed home the fog started rolling back in and the ocean never really cleared of the fog. But yet it was a perfect day to be there and we had fun and the kids were nice and sandy. We even remembered our handy baby powder to get all the sand of our little cuties.


hope2adoptbaby said...

What a fun day!

Hanna said...

Beautiful pictures! And now I think it's time for a vacation to the coast! :)