Thursday, August 1, 2013


This last week has been tough in the parenting department.

Tough to the point where I was saying to myself, "What were my kids' birth parents thinking choosing me to parent them...I am a terrible, awful mother!" 


I realized that their behavior was in direct correlation with my behavior and I was almost at a breaking point. 

I have been stressed about a few things out of my control and we have been over-scheduled and I have been tired (most likely due to anemia since I haven't been consistent in taking my iron). And it was making me crabby and impatient and a just plain old mean mommy.

 After venting to my husband last night about all my stresses and my inability to be a good mommy, I felt much better today. And we had the first good, actually great, day in about a week. 

How my mommy heart needed today.

And to top it off, these photos were captured tonight of me with my littles!

Ah! I love these two!

1 comment:

Hanna said...

You are a GREAT mom. I know it can be so hard and I've felt the same way many times, but just keep telling yourself that you are trying your best. Glad you had a good day today!