Friday, August 2, 2013


It has been awhile since I have entertained you all with the funny things my kids say. 

So here you go! 

 Overheard...Oak (talking to her brother): "This is the part where I get mad!"

A discussion between Oak and I about doing her hair...
Oak: I want one piggie.
Me: I think we should do two piggies, they look so cute on you.
Oak: No I want one piggie.
Me: You had one piggie yesterday, can we do two today?
Oak: I don't like two piggies because you smile at me a lot when I have two piggies.
Me: haha, I guess I do because you are so darn cute.

 was less than patient with my two year old when we couldn't find her shoes before we needed to leave to run errands. When we were driving in the car while running errands we had this conversation: 
Oak: Mom, you were being rude when we were at home trying to find my shoes.
Me: You are right, I was not being very patient and kind, was I? I am sorry.
Oak: You just need to calm down and breath. Okay mom?
Me: You are absolutely right, thank you for reminding mommy.

We were not home and Oak was mad at me about something and she says, "When I get home, I am going to go to my room and slam my door!!!" That is one way to express how angry you are. Thankfully by the time we got home she was pretty happy and forgot about the door slamming.

On our way to In-N-Out...McCoy: "Mom, where is Open-N-Closed at?"

Last day of Preschool ever!
Mac quotes of the day:
#1 Oak was asking a question...
Mac: I would like it if you didn't bother me right now because I just graduated from Preschool.
#2 Showing Grandma his certificate...
Mac: This means I know everything!
Oh this boy! Love him!

Obviously I haven't been that great at writing them down! Need to do better!

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