Monday, August 12, 2013

Oak at three!


Her stats:
Height 41.5" 99%
Weight 40 lbs 98%
Doc says she is really smart and really healthy.

It is really hard to remember that this girl has been just TWO this last year. I feel like she should be turning at least four and then at the same time I don't know how three years could have gone by so fast. If you have met Oak, you know she is spunky and has quite the personality. She acts shy but once she trusts you she will talk your ear off and ask at least a million questions. In general she talks non stop, and she is the worlds biggest interrupter. She is a bit of a show off too and will grace you with her talent to get your attention back on her. She is a great sleeper and still does not get out of her bed unless we come and get her. Which is pure heaven! Most days she takes naps, sometimes she won't fall asleep at all. She used to be a great eater, not so much anymore. She isn't a huge breakfast eater, eats lunch great, but at dinner time she doesn't eat much. Maybe she is too busy, because she gets out of her seat at least thirty times while we are sitting down for dinner. If she does eat, she eats all her veggies and fruit first, her favorite. Her favorite foods are blueberries and plums and broccoli and cauliflower. But really she loves all fruit and veggies. She talks and acts like she is four or five which goes well with her size since she is wearing size 4/5(S) or 5T in most of her clothes. And her shoe size is 9/10 which happens to be the same size as her older brother. She loves to get dressed for the day and usually has an opinion on what she doesn't want to wear. She loves to wear skirts and at about 4 or 5 pm she always wants to put jammies on her comfies and also her socks. She always thinks she is cold even if it is 80 degrees in our house. She also loves sweaters like her mama! She can offically take her self potty with out any help from me, yahoo! When I do her hair she always asks for one big pony tail or for me to just comb it out. She dislikes when I would like to do more. Her hair is reddish and when done right is full of ringlets, but most of the time it ends up looking like a lions mane. She is really good at getting her brother in trouble or trying to get her brother in trouble. She is a big tattler! She also know just what to do so that it bugs her brother so that he will do something to hurt her and get into trouble. Drives me NUTS! She loves to cuddle and hug and kiss. She is always telling us she loves us, and it melts me every time. She can write her name all by herself, she gets all the letters right but usually has them out of place just a bit. She is obsessed with writing letters and she constantly has a pencil or crayon and piece of paper in hand. Her favorite colors are pink and purple and brown because her eyes are brown. She is very aware of her brother's tree nut allergy and asks everyone if the food has nuts in it and then will state that she is NOT allergic to nuts but her brother is. She loves to mother her babies and her brother. She is naturally a nurturer. She constantly talks about the babies in her tummy and we are required to keep a safe distance as to not hurt them or we are to be quiet so we don't wake them. She loves to pick raspberries from our garden, and she will search and search until she finds every last one. Her favorite movie is Despicable Me, and she quotes it constantly. She doesn't really like princess movies except Tangled. She loves worms and bugs and will search and pick them up. She knows how to have a good time and loves to rough house and be silly. She makes the best faces, especially when she is annoyed or mad or frustrated. We die laughing when ever she does them. She has the sweetest little voice and love listening to the sound of it because it makes her seem so little still. She rarely throws fits but she is down right stubborn and will stand her ground when she doesn't want to do something. She is so loving and protective of her family and friends. We love this beautiful girl so much and are so grateful she is in our family. She is truly a miracle and we are so grateful and love her birthparents and birthfamily. 

1 comment:

Jill said...

Happy Birthday Oak!!! You are a beautiful girl & I know your family loves you very much!!! Hope you have a wonderful birthday!!!