Saturday, August 31, 2013

Friends, Zoo and more...

So my friend was visiting Oregon from Chicago and we decided we had to meet up and ended up meeting up at the Oregon Zoo. At first we thought we were going to get rained out, but by the time we got there it had cleared up a bit and besides a few sprinkles held off the whole time we were there. I met my friend Ashley through adoption blogging (I think, I am pretty sure). Our oldest kids are the same age and both have red hair and both were adopted. We already have their marriage arranged :) .  We had a blast and the kids got along SO well! So glad that she is moving a touch closer, so that she can visit home more and there for I will get to see her more.

Aren't they so cute?! They will make us the cutest red headed grandbabies.

This picture kills me! Oh, his face and hand! She kept on telling him that she was going to marry him. He thinks it is gross, but he sure liked her.

Some really cute red heads having fun on the Zoo train.

Love the cute face Little Miss C is making!

On the way home the kids begged to stop at the Temple. Mac was VERY concerned with the fact that we weren't wearing church clothes or shoes. 

The beautiful sky on the way home. Love how my new iPhone captures the sky so well.

Love his sweet hand on his chin!

1 comment:

Jen said...

The zoo looks really great! Ours isn't that good :/