Thursday, September 5, 2013

A new school year for both my babies!

So it is another school year and both of my kids will be in school. Oak will be starting her first year of Preschool, going two days a week and Mac will be starting Kindergarten half days.
I have had mixed emotions about it all. With Oak being gone I will have an empty house, for 2.5 hours, twice a week. That sounds awesome and at the same time makes me sad. Awesome because hopefully I will get alot done and sad because I was hoping I would at least have a baby to be taking care of.
With Mac, I was very excited for him to have the new adventure. At first I was a bit worried about how he would do academically and behaviorally. He is pretty smart, catches on quickly, gets bored easily and is quite the class clown. Seems like a recipe for failure, but as time went by, I realized he will be just fine. What my main concern and great source of anxiety was sending him off to the care of others when he has a severe food allergy. I just didn't know what to expect on how to handle it and how they would handle it. To say I have been stressed about it is a super understatement. After a blessing from my Hubs and talking with his teacher and the school office and preparing Mac I am feeling much better about it. Now onto setting up a good routine for us and making sure I am making our home and family a safe haven from the world that I have just sent my son into.

For FHE Monday night we did Father's Blessings. And daddy gave me one too to help ease the anxiety I have had. 

Mac sat so reverently while he got his blessing. 

Oak sat on my lap to get hers.

Then the next day was Preschool.

Oak is going just across the street where big brother has gone for the last two years. 
I tried to make it a special morning like I have done for Mac the last two years, but I failed miserably.
Thankfully, I don't think she noticed. The morning went by so quick and then before I realized it, it was 8:25 and she wasn't dressed, hair wasn't done and she hadn't eaten breakfast. Did her hair and got her dressed quickly and got a text from her teacher at 8:35 asking if we were coming. What?!? Looked at the calendar on the fridge and I had totally forgot she had changed the time from 9am to 8:30. So she scarfed down her breakfast. Took one quick picture then headed over as fast as we could. I HATE being late for anything and I am usually more on the ball than this. I am blaming my anxiety! 
What I thought would be me just dropping her off, turned into her clinging to me. She knows her teacher (our good friend and neighbor) and plays at her house at least once a month. She knows all the girls since they are all neighbors. It just was bizarre that she was being shy and clinging to me. Then I realized that maybe she didn't really realize that WHAT preschool actually was. After about ten minutes she was distracted enough to let me leave.
When it was over she came out running, giddy and just so excited about it. She had loved it!
(Today when I took her she clinged to me for just a couple of minutes. I sure hope this part gets better!)

Later in the day her teacher texted me this cute picture of her class.

While sister was at school I took Mac to get a haircut and over to his school to see who his teacher was and to see who was in his class.

Later in the afternoon we cleaned out and organized Mac's room to where it would be easier put his toys away and keep clean. And we added the nine cube shelf. He has loved it! And he is doing so great at putting his toys away when he is done playing. Hopefully it will last. 

Then the next morning was Mac's first day (and only day this week) of Kindergarten. It went a lot more smoothly. We started right off with the morning routine we hope to have. We will tweak it if necessary. But so far so good. He let me take pictures with out any problem! 

I seriously swoon when I see little ones wearing backpacks.
And my Mac, oh he is so handsome and cute!

Then off to school. Daddy came with us too!

A picture in front of the school sign.
Then to find his class room. 
Mac was so excited and not nervous one single bit!

He seperated all of his school supplies on the table for the teacher. I talked to his teacher about his allergy. We looked at her cute gerbal. Then it was hugs and goodbyes.
We were very excited about his teacher. We live in the little "one-stop-light" town my husband grew up in, and two of his sisters had his teacher when they were in grade school. I have heard great things about her.

Then when it was time to leave, this is how Oak reacted. Not out of jealousy but because she does not like to be without her brother. She did not want to leave without him. 
She was a sad girl. But we had plans for a donut date, just her and I.

And to help Mac and Oak in the morning with his routine so, I whipped this up. We don't have a color printer so it isn't all fancy. But they both already really enjoyed looking at it to see what to do and checking things off. If you couldn't tell the pictures mean: getting dressed, make bed, say prayer, read scriptures, eat breakfast, and brush teeth.

1 comment:

hope2adoptbaby said...

I feel exactly like you about having your baby at preschool!