Wednesday, February 27, 2013

from scratch!

I have talked a few times on here about changing our diet about a year ago but I don't remember if I have ever talked about what kind of change we made or not. The change came after a lot of research and praying and then realizing it was the change we needed to help with a few things in our family in regards to health. The diet change we made was to reduce the amount of processed food we ate.

I won't go into the reasons why processed food but it has been pretty life changing and will be a permanent life change for our family. We aren't extreme and just try to eat this way as much as possible. There are times when we will eat fast food although that is few and far between because I have never really like fast food ever and we don't like to spend our money there if we can help it. Our kids stay with grandparents and friends every once in awhile and I don't expect them to feed my kids this way. But at home we eat this way about 75 to 80 percent. To do this we make a lot of food from scratch and where once I was a lazy baker and cook I have started to really enjoy making things from scratch and finding  new healthy recipes to make for dinner. It is so satisfying sitting down to eat with my family and looking at our table and knowing what they are eating is healthy and will benefit them forever.

We are far from perfect at it and there are a few things that I know we shouldn't use and I just can't bring myself to change it out. But this whole process has been a slow one and we take this little by little. But with every new recipe I find it easier and easier.

The whole point of this post though is to share some recipes we use that have helped our transition into eating this way. A few of the actual recipes I won't share on here because they are not mine to share publicly, but if it looks good and you want to try it, please email me and I would love to give you the recipe. Also, since I realized that my list of all the recipes I want to share is a long one I will be just sharing one or two at a time over the next couple of weeks. I am so excited about this!!

To start off here is the list of the recipes I plan on sharing with you (although not in this order)...

-honey whole wheat bread
-muffins (blueberry and apple cinnamon)
-english muffin bread
-veggie stuffed peppers
-energy protein balls (cookie balls)
-pizza crust
-zucchini fries
-chicken taquitos
-homemade chicken nuggets
-graham crackers
-taco seasoning
-baked cauliflower and broccoli
-green smoothies


Jill said...

So happy to hear your eating change has made such a great difference in your lives. I know that my change to Gluten-Free has really benefited my life, even if it is a little inconvenient some times. Look forward to seeing your recipes.

Mostly Jessica said...

Yum! Looking forward to it!!!