Monday, February 11, 2013

Oak 2.5

Oak's stats:
38 lbs (97th %tile)
3'2.5" (38.5 inches) (95th %tile)

Can I just say how much I love this girl?! Oh my, she drives me crazy in so many different ways, good and bad. But I wouldn't change a thing about her. I pretty much could kiss her cheeks all day. And her smile pretty much kills me on the spot. 
AND she will be two and a half tomorrow! Seriously, why is time going by so fast?! She won't be a toddler much longer, she will be closer to three than two and she will start preschool in the fall. In two short months she will be the same age McCoy was when she was born...what?!?! (I sure hope she gets to be a big sister soon, because she will totally rock at it!)

Oak at two and a half is quite the firecracker.
--It is her mission in life to do exactly the opposite of what she should or shouldn't do.
--She makes it very hard to get out the door to anywhere and I have to give myself extra time for chasing her around, putting her coat on three times and/or a temper tantrum about leaving just so I can get some place on time.
--She is obsessed with "bad" words. Hear's every "S-word" in every movie or show, and tells us when someone says something they shouldn't. (We are talking about little kid "bad" words here).
--She loves the movie Tangled and she has to watch it while Mac is at Preschool. She has a bit of a crush on Eugene (she never calls him Flynn Ryder).
--She also quotes movies constantly and repeatedly retells her favorite and not favorite parts of the latest movie we have seen.
--She is obsessed with peoples emotions and body language. She is constantly asking why someone says something, or makes a certain sound or face when they do something. We can hardly get through a book without her interrupting asking why someone's face looks like it does. 

--She HAS to run and give her brother a hug after he is done with Taekwondo. He really hates that she does that.
--She hates waking up in the morning and finding out daddy has already left for work.
--She can give quite the stink faces when she is mad.
--She is quite good at pouting and does the whole arm folded and head hanging, whimpering thing. Very dramatic.
--She is a great eater, except when she wants to act like her brother and pretend to be picky.
--He favorite food is veggies, she even downed some brussel sprouts the other night and asked for more. But her favorite veggie would be cauliflower and broccoli is a close second.
--We just took the side of her crib off and she seems to be doing great. 
--When she is put to bed, she has to have all her favorite stuffed animals surrounding her, her two favorite blankies on top of her, her bear of course and her dream light going and you have to sing her favorite song (for the week) which is currently "I am like a star". Sometimes she asks for us to blow the spookies out of her room if she is a bit scared.
--She doesn't move much when she sleeps and usually still has her blankies on top of her in the morning.
--She goes to bed at 8pm and will wake up between 6:30 and 7:30. She takes one nap but I think she is gradually growing out of that. A couple of times a week she won't fall asleep at all after I have put her down for a nap. Not excited about that.

--She talks in full sentences and can completely communicate exactly what she wants to. She actually talks alot like a 3 to 4 year old does.
--She wears size 4T shirts and dresses. And is still okay in size 3T pants but is starting to grow out of some of those, but 4T pants are too big still.
--Her hair is curly but thin, so I have to comb it out often so it doesn't look so scraggly.  She is great about sitting and letting me do her hair. It  has red highlights so in some light it looks pretty red.
--She is fully potty trained day and night and has been since October  She is really good at telling us when she needs to go, so I don't have to be asking her all the time. She still needs a bit of help in the bathroom, but we are working on her being a bit more independent with that.
--She likes to put on her own clothes by herself most of the time.
--She asks everyday if she can wear her "Go Beaver" shirt, which is obviously her favorite.
--She loves her baby dolls and takes really great care of them. She loves to wrap them up and feed them and is always patting their heads and backs.
--She also loves real babies and when she sees one she goes crazy excited.
--She loves dogs just as much and also gets crazy excited when she sees one.
--She is getting better at not stealing food, but she still has a problem with mooching food from others.
--She loves to help with housework and anything that I don't really want her help with. But when it comes to helping by doing what I ask her to, like clean her room or take stuff to her room, she refuses.

--She is so fun and funny and when she isn't throwing a fit she is laughing or trying to make someone else laugh.
--She can say prayers completely on her own and mimics most of her brothers prayers. Her and Mac always fight over who GETS to say the prayer.
--She can tell you the month of her birthday when you ask her and will hold her two fingers and say two when asked how old she is.
--She never stops moving, and is just a busy busy girl.
--She is constantly telling us she loves us and that we are her favorite or her best friend, or just the best in the whole world.
--She has a love/hate relationship with nursery at church. She talks about it non stop and can't wait to go, but then once it is time to go, gets scared, then gets talked into it and is usually fine while in there. She also is the escape artist and escapes a few times every week. The door handles are such that they can't put the safety things on them. She loves her two nursery leaders and always says hi to them at church.
--She loves to shake the Bishops hand. One week he didn't come by and shake our hand like he usually does and Oak noticed and asked why. So I took her up to the stand right before church started so she could shake his hand. The bishop loved that and thanked me for bringing her up.

Can you tell she has quite the personality? I could go on and on about her.
She is so amazing and we love her to bits.
I can not believe she is two and a half!

1 comment:

Mostly Jessica said...

She sounds so much like Lexi. These girls are sooo fun! Cute, cute, cute!