Sunday, February 3, 2013

January in pictures!

January seemed like a long month, but at the same time I feel like February snuck up on us. 
We have had lots of fun this month, but have been mostly home bound since most of the month it was foggy and freezing weather. 

Oak loves her baby dolls. This one is her favorite and I thought it was so cute how she was reading to her.

Play-doh is the big thing to do in our house right now. I kind of love it too. It keeps the kids occupied FOREVER. The mess that is made is so worth it!

Lately the kids want to be wrapped up in their blankets. It is pretty cute.

We had a baby shower for my sister-in-law. We can't wait for baby C to get here! Totally hoping he is born with red hair, it is pretty likely, so I am anxious to see what he looks like.

Oak went to her first girls only birthday party for our cute friend & neighbor who turned two. Oak got all dressed up since it was a princess tea party.

Mac is almost grown out of naps, but I think he is going through a growth spurt and has actually been needing them lately.

Grandma & Grandpa stayed with us for a couple of days and Oak was giving her a massage before bed.

Oak had to wear her tu-tu to bed one night. Cuteness overload!

One night we were trying to waste a bit of time before bed so we had a nerf gun war. It was pretty fun!

For a couple of weeks Oak and Mac were getting along so well and playing together really great! They were actually being friends and finding things to play together with out much refereeing from mom and dad.

One night we decided to have homemade Pazookies. Which is just a hot cookie with ice cream on top. They sure were a hit with the kids.  Love those faces.

And of course Oak ended up being a complete mess.

Oak had made a whole bunch of "snakes"

We had gone to the Science Factory and Mac had made a volcano and learned about volcanoes while we were there. So we spent the week erupting his volcano at least once a day.

Grandma had brought some strawberries and both the kids stood at the sink and ate the entire box of them. They love their fruit!

1 comment:

Mostly Jessica said...

Sounds like my house - playdoh, nerf guns and Legos too! Fun stuff!!!