Saturday, February 9, 2013

two big girls...

I finally decided to be a big girl and let my baby girl be a big girl too. Oak has been very ready for us to make her crib into a big girl bed. I however, have not been ready. But last Saturday I all of a sudden decided I wanted to do it and when I told Oak she was very excited. She played right next to me as I tried to figure out how to get the railing off. And destroyed her room in the process, my little tornado. Once the side was off she could hardly contain herself (either could big brother). 
She did much better with it than I could have anticipated. She only fell out with a thud once. Although she didn't sleep very soundly and she kindof had a grumpy week because she wasn't getting enough sleep. But I think she is good now. She also knows to not get out until we come and get her. Which was my biggest fear in the transition.

I also saw the idea on Pinterest to put a pool noodle under the sheet to help them not fall out. Oak hates having it on her bed, so she takes it out usually and we put it back in after she falls asleep. But really I don't think she needs it much any more. Our biggest problem so far has been her dropping her bear and she knows she can't get out of her bed so she yells for us to come and get it for her. 

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