Friday, May 28, 2010

Welcome to our garden...

One of the biggest things we have been excited about with our new house is to have our very own garden. We almost thought that we wouldn't be able to have one this year, because of us needing a fence to help keep the deer from eating our garden. We decided to go for it anyway. We are in the process of getting our fence put up, but the company doing it is being really slow about it, REALLY slow! In the second picture you can see the fence posts, that is a weeks worth of work and they are still not done. Seriously, we are getting annoyed. Anyway...back to our garden! We decided to try the "square foot garden" method. We have alot in our garden and all I really hope to get out of it all is some tomatoes. We have a couple of different kinds of tomatoes, a couple of different kinds of peppers, so herbs, lettuce, spinach, raspberries, squash, zucchini, and cucumbers. We are still planning on planting some beans, and onions, and carrots from seeds, but we are waiting until things dry out a little so the seeds won't rot. We are very excited and hopeful for a successful garden.


Ron and Jessica said...

I meant we know

Ron and Jessica said...

We now exactly what you're talking about. We just had a fence installed and it took a month!

FarrEver Family said...

Your garden makes me smile. So organized and beautiful. Just like you. You should see ours, scattered everywhere...exactly like me. Hope you enjoy your tomatoes.

Desiree said...

That is beautiful. Ours is not beautiful, maybe something will grow. Maybe I'll do better next year. It looks like you're gonna get a whole lot more than tomatoes! Great job!